Wednesday, June 13, 2012

An intro of sorts

Girl Next Door: The cultural and sexual stereotype of the girl next door or the All-American girl is invoked in American contexts to indicate wholesome, unassuming femininity, as opposed to the culture's other female stereotypes such as the tomboy, the valley girl, the femme fatalegirly girl, or the slutExamples: Brenda Walsh (Shannen Doherty) in Beverly Hills, 90210Penny[9] (Kaley Cuoco) in The Big Bang TheoryMary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) in Spider-Man (Read more at Wikipedia: Girl next door)

The reason I chose this name for my blog was not because I particularly identify with this whole feminine/sexual/cultural stereotype thing (although you will find out that I have a lot to say about stereotypes and women's issues -- holler!), but because "girl next door" is how I'd describe my personal style. Sure, that may sound as boring as waiting for your mom in the car, twiddling your thumbs while she prayed a rosary (or 6) in a local chapel,* but I kind of pride myself on being a pretty average kid.

I mean, there are plenty of bloggers out there who have insanely cool and weirdly specific brands of personal style, but what about the average schmo who just wants to feel confident in her jeans-and-a-tee uniform? Who adds a little spice into her everyday wardrobe with inspiration from Madewell or Tomboy Style? Who compulsively saves fashion-related images on her computer because that's all her brain can manage at this point on her post-college path?  I AM THAT SCHMO. I can help! I no longer wear sweatpants outside of the house and have banished my Uggs to the darkest corners of my closet.

In a nutshell, here's what I wear: denim, plaid button-downs, chambray everything (more like cham-WOW!), tees & layers, scarves, utility jackets, flats, sneakers or boots.

Can we just take a moment to look at that little dancing peanut? I mean, why am I not a ballerina right now for real.

I may not be as sassy as Brenda Walsh or as "all-American" (read: ginger) as Mary-Jane Watson, but I feel like I'm relatable, na mean? I've got plenty of love for overalls and silk scarves and paperbag trousers and Jackie cardigans and all that is plain ol' American fashion. Let's see if that gets me anywhere, shall we?


* Not necessarily based off of true events when I was 12

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